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Brightway Won the First “ Grand Awards for power Industry”

   On Dec 21, the first Grand Awards for power Industry was issued in the third Wuzhou Industrial Development Forum, and Shezhen Brightway is one of the winners for its excellent performances in the industrial sector.

Shenzhen Grand Awards for power Industry are created for establishing industry benchmark and promoting the sound development of Shenzhen’s economy. Following the mode of Hong Kong Awards for Industry, this award is issued every second year. State leaders played a role in the launch of this awarding program. The winning enterprises and entrepreneurs in the first session of Shenzhen Grand Awards for Industry were selected by a strict process including the voluntary application of enterprises, the preliminary review of the secretariat of the independent jury, the publicity of enterprise’s performance of applicants, etc..

Innovation is the Driving Force of Development.

Brightway has become one of the Top 5 power supply Brands in the China a leading brand in China’s power supply  industry and one of the Top 100 Electronic Enterprises in China , since its foundation as a small swithing power supply factory 20 years ago. Its development deserves the honorary title of “ Grand Awards for Power Industry”.

The constant industrial innovation is the powerful driving force of Brightway’s development. Since it released the first power supply in March 1993 and opened the “cloud” era in the industry, Brightway has taken the lead in launching green power supply . Brightway has gained relevant certifications of national standards and various innovation awards. In addition to the SPS field, Brightway also participated in defining the operating system of solar converter .
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